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Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and answers our deepest questions!
...And of course many, many more!
Below are six of our favorites - check out all 27 study guides below!
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Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?
The Bible is the inspired word of God. It answers life's biggest questions, reveals the past, explains the present, and tells the future with amazing accuaracy.
Did God Create The Devil
God created Lucifer...a perfect angel to serve as leader over the heavenly host. Lucifer rebelled against God, becoming Satan the adversary. Why, when, and how does that affect me?
Saved From Certain Death
We've all broken God's laws of love and we've earned eternal death! Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins... offering us forgiveness and eternal life. What much we do to receive that?
Jesus promises a new heaven and a new earth to them who love Him and follow Him. What does that mean? How does this happen? Who can go?
Keys for a Happy Marriage
God has laid the foundation for the relationship between a man and a woman who are created in the image of God. Seven keys from the Bible for a happy marriage.
Written In Stone
The Ten Commandments were written by God's own finger. They describe His character and are the foundation of His kingdom. Jesus says, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
The Lost Day of History
The fourth commandment says "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy"...Did God change the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday? Or did man change it?
The Return of Jesus Christ
The Second Coming of Jesus is fast approaching. The signs are being fulfilled quickly. Who sees Him when He returns? What lies and deceptions will Satan use to deceive us? Will you be ready?
Purity & Power
You can have your past buried and forgotten, washed clean inside and out, with power to do what's right in the future. Jesus says we must be "born again ". How is that possible?
What does the bible say about the relationship between the body, soul and spirit? What happens when we die? Can we communicate with the dead?
Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?
Sin must be totally destroyed before God creates a new heaven and a new earth. How does God do that? When, where and how will this happen?
The 1,000 year millennium begins with the resurrection of the saved...and ends at the resurrection of the unsaved. What's happening during the 1000 years? When, will this all happen?
God's Free Health Plan
God designed us and knows what we need to be happy and healthy. Our body, mind and spirit are all interconnected. Learning and following God's principles will change our lives.
Jesus says, "If you live me, keep my commandments." Making it clear that true obedience is never legalism, but rather the proof of our love.
Who Is The Antichrist?
Identifying the antichrist is critical to understanding Bible prophecy! In Daniel, chapter 7, we find 9 identifying characteristics of this little horn power, the antichrist. As we look back in history we can, without a doubt, know what and who that is.
Angels are real! Sometimes called cherubim or seraphim, these powerful ministering spirits appear all through Bible history. Often they are seen protecting and guiding God’s people, and sometimes they are punishing evil. But one of their most important missions is to reveal and explain prophecy.
God Drew The Plans
Patterned after the heavenly sanctuary the earthly was a 3-dimensional picture of the plan of salvation. Showing Jesus as our sacrifice and now as our high priest in heaven ministering on our behaft.
Right On Time
Prophetic Appointments Revealed
This lesson forms the longest time prophecy in the Bible. 2300 Days or 2300 Years in prophetic time. The 70 Weeks prophecy (490 years) fortels key events in the ministry of Christ.
The Final Judgement
At the final judgement the great battle between good and evil comes to an end. Sin and death are eradicated...a new heaven and a new earth are created for those who have chosen to follow Jesus.
The Mark of The Beast
The beast is the antichrist as identified in Lesson 15. Rev. chapter 13 repeats and gives more details describing the antichrist as a religious-political power. What is the mark of the beast? What is the seal of God?
The USA in Bible Prophecy
The USA is the most powerful and influential nation on earth and will play a vital role in history's closing events...which are rapidly approaching.
The "Other" Woman
The bride of Christ is His true and faithful Church. But there is another woman. A harlot who has on her forehead the name MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth. God says to come out of her my people.
The Bride of Christ
The Bride of Christ are those that love and follow Jesus. Accepting the Bible alone as the inspired Word of God. Is there a Church today that follows God alone, rejects all man made teachings and fulfills all end days prophecies?
Does God Inspire Astrologists and Psychics?
Acts 2:17a "in the last days", God says, "I will pour out my spirit upon all people, your sons and daughters will prophesy..." Jesus says, "false prophets and false christs will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24 How can we know the difference?
In God We Trust
Do you believe and trust what God says? How you spend your money, time, gifts and talents shows who you belong to..."Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21
A Love That Transforms
God shows us through Jesus and tells us in the Bible what real love looks like! As we follow Jesus and allow Him to come into our hearts and minds it will change our lives and also the lives of others.